Author: Kristi Harris

  • Getting ready for a soft launch

    Getting ready for a soft launch

    We’re *almost* there – ready for our soft launch! We decided that our baby steps are going to begin with virtual appointments and onsite (we come to you (which is SO much more comfortable). There are so many countless hours of deliberation which went into this decision. True to our mission, it all comes down… Read more

  • The Battle of the Build – WE WON!

    The Battle of the Build – WE WON!

    It took what felt like 3,000 years but the battle is WON! Bios has been updated, all the bits and baubles fitted, tested, and functional! None of these things live in our usual day-to-day btw, so if you’re confused just imagine how we felt in the trenches. As a professional picture framing shop, we feel… Read more

  • Mixed bag today

    Mixed bag today

    Today has been a frustrating one, for sure. The battle of the build, PC build that is, is not going well. We have it on good authority that there is no logical reason for as much trouble as Kristi is experiencing. On the lighter side of things we’re pretty sure she can now (newly acquired… Read more

  • A little kindness goes a long way

    A little kindness goes a long way

    We’re getting closer to having our soft launch experience, yay! This week we had some challenges, some really frustrating things that to be honest had us practically in tears. For anyone who’s worked with us, that’s not our MO. We are doers, we make snarky comments and generally keep our spirits high and encourage everyone… Read more