A little kindness goes a long way

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We’re getting closer to having our soft launch experience, yay! This week we had some challenges, some really frustrating things that to be honest had us practically in tears. For anyone who’s worked with us, that’s not our MO. We are doers, we make snarky comments and generally keep our spirits high and encourage everyone around us. Kristi, our primary web admin and general do-er of programmatic techy things had a huge set back. She lost a full days worth of work (not recoverable) due to some glitchy software and corrupted save files. This happens, this is expected, it’s generally a roll of the dice using some web platforms, she knows this, we know this. This one hurt though. This one took with it countless measurements and formatting. This one was soul crushing. On her personal social media she posted just a little insight into the frustration to vent in a safe place.

Here’s the warm and squishy part of our post this week. Without provocation (she didn’t ask for anything other than a hug and maybe a coffee) several of our friends offered up support, and a few of our techy friends offered up actual roll up the sleeves help. We can’t even put into words how humbling that experience was for us. This is what we’re about, our community, being a part of it and contributing to it and level checking to make sure we’re going in the right direction. Put out the energy you want to see in the world, and it will come back around. A Little kindness goes a long way. <3

We couldn’t save what was lost, but we were able to reproduce the asset we were working on much faster than the first go. We still have a ways to go yet, but little by little we’re growing.