Wooden blocks with words 'Every journey needs a first step'.

Getting ready for a soft launch

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We’re *almost* there – ready for our soft launch! We decided that our baby steps are going to begin with virtual appointments and onsite (we come to you (which is SO much more comfortable). There are so many countless hours of deliberation which went into this decision. True to our mission, it all comes down to cost and service. Our dedication is to keep our costs low so that we can pass along the savings, while providing expert service to our community.

We have aspirations of becoming the community resource we wanted/needed in our earlier careers as makers and artists. An establishment that prides itself on providing top notch service, with a smile and a snarky comment, and one that truly invests in every employee (current and future). We are skilled labor in a new generation where hands on anything involves a screen.

I mean, we also use screens, duh, how could we blog without one?

Back to the point: we want to impart our Craft to People who may not have ever had the opportunity to learn.

That’s a pretty big and lofty goal, and one we think would yield dividends to our greater community as a whole. That’s the whole point of this. We teach, we continue to learn, we create, we keep on top of trends, we don’t sit still. One day, hopefully in the not too distant future, we’ll be in a position to be able to onboard new members of the team.

That is what we are -a team. Your team.

The first step toward that big and lofty goal, is to achieve our soft launch. Our doors are opening (figuratively until the grand opening) soon.

We can’t wait to serve you.

Wooden blocks with words 'Every journey needs a first step'.