It took what felt like 3,000 years but the battle is WON! Bios has been updated, all the bits and baubles fitted, tested, and functional! None of these things live in our usual day-to-day btw, so if you’re confused just imagine how we felt in the trenches. As a professional picture framing shop, we feel the only way to celebrate is to take all the stupid decals and stickers and mount them in a shadow box like a kill count on a first person shooter video game. By the way, we were both low key impressed by and annoyed by the amount of fan service from some of the brands we purchased. Like, low key that’s a nifty swag item and high key (is that a thing? or even the correct opposite?) why would we want to ever put stickers in places where dust collect? To each their own. And our own is back to the grind stone!
Before we switch gears fully, we just wanted to share some insights experienced during this process. We joked about a concept of “Is this a growth point, or a nope point” and by that we mean can we raise to the occasion or is it just not achievable, reasonable, or feasible. It’s subtly brilliant when you really try and think through what that means. There are so many things that can be a growth point for all of us, and definitely we should invest where it makes sense to do so. The question we posed is, does it make sense for us to jump down the rabbit hole or spend a little extra to have another professional help. We will try first and keep trying until the task at hand fails the logic test of “achievable, reasonable, or feasible.” That IS us, in a nutshell.
So, next time you’re faced with a challenge ask yourself “is this a growth point, or a nope point?” either way, we’re happy to help just let us know!